Lou Yoga

Align yourself with the patterns in nature

Prenatal and Women's Yoga Studies, From February - July 2025 - Open for applications

For over a decade and a half and having taught pregnancy yoga to more than 5,000 women I will be sharing my wisdom leading this teacher training in the art of yoga for pregnancy and womanhood.

What makes this training unique is the spectrum covered to not only understand pregnancy in all it’s fluctuations and transformations. Students will also develop a comprehensive understanding of women’s practices in general, from the physiological to the subtle to the spiritual.

This course will enable you as a teacher to incorporate pregnant students safely and holistically into your existing classes and the skill set to teach exclusive prenatal classes. The more intimate study of women’s bodies and cycles will deepen your understanding of how to teach all women through all the stages of their lives.

Guest Teachers include Megan Sheppard, midwife and head of the parental education department in the Coombe women’s maternity hospital.


Module Overview

Module 1
Asana and pranayama for pregnancy and birth.

Module 2
The subtle body of women.

Module 3
Physiology and the anatomical adjustments to support pregnancy and all of the cycles of women’s lives.

Module 4
Birth, the great teacher.

Module 5
Life’s code shared – The biology of woman’s soul.

Entry requirements

The Training will consist of 60 hours of tuition.

Applicants must have qualified as RYT200 to meet the entry requirements and certification for this course. Non yoga teachers working in the professions of birth are more than welcome to attend in order to deepen their understanding of women’s yoga studies, however accreditation to teach cannot be offered.

Evaluation will be ongoing throughout the course through assignments, class observations, teaching and a final exam.

Training schedule

The training schedule runs over 5 weekends with 12 hours of teaching per weekend. (6 hours per day excluding breaks).

February 22/23
April 5/6
May 10/11
June 14/15
July 12/13
Exam Date TBC

To successfully complete the training students must attend all modules.

Terms and Conditions

Applicants must have qualified to teach Yoga and have received registration to a minimum of 200hrs or work in the field of pregnancy / women’s health or have at least two years of consistent yoga practice. (Accreditation to teach can only be offered to existing qualified yoga teachers).

Booking – A non-refundable deposit of €350 is required to confirm your place if accepted onto the training.

The balance of €900 must be paid 60 days before the first module.

All teaching hours and course materials are included in the training fee.

Please note paying fees does not guarantee a certificate. Trainees will need to successfully pass all assignments and attend all modules to ensure certification.

Refund Policy

On payment of the full fee a student who needs to cancel will be offered a full refund provided another trainee can be secured to fill their place. If the place cannot be filled no refund can be offered.

Please email for full details and application.