Lou Yoga

Align yourself with the patterns in nature

Women’s Yoga Retreat

Killarney Co Kerry

7th -10th Nov 2024
From €595 - €795 inclusive of accommodation, all meals and yoga tuition.

Join me for a three day stay in the luxurious newly renovated Kenmare House overlooking Killarney national park in the grounds of the Castlerosse woodland resort.
The retreat is designed to fully let go in to nature, to deeply embody through yoga and deep rest and be nourished with phenomenal seasonal vegetarian food. Hiking, biking, sauna, and pool also available. https://kenmarehouse.ie/

Active Birth Workshops

The Yoga Shed

October 12th and December 8th
€180 per couple. Please attend as close to due date as possible

Having taught over 1200+ couples over the past 17 years I would summarise the practice of Active Birth as the simple understanding that in labour when it feels good, it is good. In these workshops, I remind the expectant couples of the innate physical logic of a woman's body. I teach birth partners how to support the labouring woman through understanding the labouring environment - it's movements, breath and tone. Equipping them with touch techniques to help their partners to labour as healthfully, easefully and holistically as possible.