Community Collaboration
Our relationships are central to our health and happiness and central to who we are as human beings Ultimately the practices of yoga create an opportunity to connect to the energy that binds us all, what our hearts are hard wired to seek and the reason we come together… Love.
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange
pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.
Nature and Connection
Along with Peter O’Brien, my dear friend and his company Happenings I’m lucky to have taught Yoga in Dartmouth Square for the past 11 seasons. It’s a magical place and always so special teaching outside surrounded by such stunning natural beauty. Getting barefoot on the grass and meeting others is what it’s all about.
Next Dates – July 8th & August 5th Dartmouth Sq.July 23rd & August 6th Brighton Sq
Out and About
I have always enjoyed the spirit of community and value time with friends, I thrive on it. Many of my teachers and students have become my friends over the years and I have deep gratitude for their support and loyalty. Without them I would not have learnt so much about life. Thank you to all. I will continue to encourage events where we gather, laugh, heal and bond.
Friends and Inspiration
Below are some people I want to share with you. These people have shaped my life or been a source of inspiration and friendship to me over the years.